“Secret Rivers” (Museum of London Docklands) - Jonjon explores

Glance: “Secret Rivers”, Museum of London Docklands

Every time you think of docklands, what flows through your mind? Boxes and bodies of water. And what brings us water? Rain and RIVER.

Having made that connection, the Museum of London Docklands will now tell us all about these buried rivers (read: Victorian sewages) in town.

See yourself: “Secret Rivers”, Museum of London Docklands

1. At the entrance there’s this river map that sets the record straight. By dictating who’s included. So say no to canals. Wave good bye to Regents Canal and her siblings around the Isle – they’re too artificial, and rules are rules.

2. Photography, installation, river-inspired novels. Yet another museum succumbing to the “science and its artistic response” trend in London: check out Wellcome Collection, Science Gallery, and of course our favourite corridor-filler, Faraday Museum.

3. Some rivers are more equal than others: River Fleet – the creek that used to run the City before the stream became sludge and cess.

4. Worth mentioning: River Westbourne, which runs under Hyde Park until a dam was built over it, giving us the Serpentine.

Time is asset: save it for better with 25-min museum tours. Or find yourself in my novel, check out the photo of the day and finish it off with a secret prize.

Tags - in_depth_tourism; museum; London_writer; London_travel; indie_writer; independent_blogger
